Sunday, January 27, 2013

Album Review: Japandroids - Celebration Rock

Another rave review!
(You can stop reading here if you want, that pretty much sums it up, but carry on reading if you want something a bit more in depth)

Apparently Japandroids have been around for a while. I keep hearing through the music grapevine that this is the "long-awaited" follow-up album to one they put out in 2009 that was apparently on every music list ever of all time that I SOMEHOW COMPLETELY MISSED. I guess I was busy with school or some bullshit.

Japandroids' sound can best be described as a garage band you tried and failed to put together in the 90's... but then get rid of absolutely everything and multiply the talent factor by about a billion. It's loud, angst-y, and just plain good. 
Apparently there are two guys in this group: Brian King on guitar and David Prowse on drums. TWO GUYS. When listening to them, you'd have no idea. The sound they create is just louder than life.
The album isn't too long, only eight tracks but it's filled with a non-stop energy that makes it feel perfectly complete. The first song I heard on the album was "The House That Heaven Built" and even after hearing the whole thing, beginning to end, this is still my favorite. Maybe it's because I heard it on the way* to the first day of my new job and the lyric "if they try to slow you down, tell them all to go to hell" really appealed to me. I still repeat that lyric to myself after encountering literally everyone I ever meet.

I don't use the word fierce a lot because of my PTSD from years of watching America's Next Top Model but this record is the true dictionary definition of the word, not in any way associated with Tyra Banks.

1) The House That Heaven Built
2) The Nights of Wine and Roses
3) Fire's Highway

Hell, just go for it and download all eight. You've already got this far.

*big thanks to my local radio station for playing stuff like this

Also, I just learned that they were in my hometown in December for two nights and I had no freaking idea. Going to fling myself off a cliff now so sorry there won't be any more blog posts.

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